At Osaka-Ryori Asai, we are thoroughly implementing the following hygiene management measures in order to keep our customers and staff protected during the novel Coronavirus pandemic.

- Disinfection, sterilization, and cleaning of store interior and equipment
- Disinfection with each customer change
- Masking of staff
- Temperature check of staff
- Handwashing, hand disinfection, and gargling of staff
- Distribution of liquid disinfectant
- Indoor ventilation
- Configuration of indoor capacity and seating arrangements
- Use of a coin tray during payment
- Tabletop partitions
To our customers
- Please wear a mask when coming to the shop.
- Anyone with a cough, fever, or otherwise feeling unwell will not be allowed entry.
- Please make sure to disinfect your hands and fingers on arrival.
- When moving through the shop, please leave space between yourself and the other customers.